An Amazing Short Story to help you Keeping Faith!

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Is keeping the faith hard for you? Do you feel you have lost everything in life? Does your life situations make it hard for you to keep up faith? Do you feel there is no hope for the future? Don’t worry, you are completely normal and in the right place. There are many times when I feel the same. In the past, I have felt that I have lost track of my life. I find myself in a dry desert and struggling to believe. If you are in the same boat as me then this short piece of my experience is going to change your life.

Lovely hobby to Faith

My hobby is gardening and I love keeping many plants. I purchased a white rose plant for my garden. White is the color of peace I loved it and bought it. But unfortunately, while traveling back home the only branch of the tiny plant broke. It was by accident that I happened to break the branch. The broken branch was the only branch of hope that the plant would grow. Ohh no, it’s over! I lost the plant well before I could plant it. Isn’t it similar to those small incidents in our life! Situations when we decide suddenly that we lost it even before we could actually begin it? Do we give up immediately without even trying? So did I. 

The sad moment that made me pray

I decided to discard the plant. I reached home with sadness. That sad moment I wanted to throw the newly purchased plant. How hard it would be to end a journey that was just about to start. With tears in my eyes, I held the plant in hand to give a last glimpse. I felt the plant was telling me something. Yeah! it’s not over yet. I noticed the branch wasn’t completely broken. There was a thin outer layer connecting the stem and branch. Yes! there was hope for a new beginning. I immediately fixed the plant with sellotape to give it a try.

I prayed for the little hope in me and the plant to grow. To my surprise, my faith bloomed. The plant survived, the roses bloomed and it started a new journey in my garden. This tiny plant went through the struggle but still, it survived. The flame of hope was burning happily in my heart. I was full of joy. Before I could keep celebrating, my plant got affected by mites. The plant lost all the leaves and it looked as if it died. 

This was the second time I was about to lose my plant. I prayed and I washed it with water, soap solution just to see if it grows. But Jesus loves surprising me, the plant bloomed again making my faith bloom too. It gave pretty flowers again. The flame of hope started burning with more intensity in my heart. I started caring for the plant. But I happened to go to my hometown for a week. Once I returned, I saw the plant dried up completely making all the hope to dry. 

The moments of lazyness that would cost end of new beginning.

And the third time I was about to lose my plant due to my carelessness. Are we careless in our daily lives too? God gives us opportunity after opportunity but we are so busy in our own world that we miss to utilize it. I had two options: Either to give up or stick to my faith and pray. Having chosen the better one, decided to still care for the plant. I started watering it daily. It took a very long time. No blooms, no sign, no changes. I felt I was wasting my time and effort. The flame of hope started diminishing slowly.

Keep the Faith

A month passed but no sign of growth. And I couldn’t believe, the plant bloomed. I got white roses again. I had given up but the plant didn’t. Although there was no outward sign of growth, the roots were developing. So dear friends trust in God. And as the plant made it through it all, you will definitely make it through it, just hold on

You might not feel any outward growth in your life, but believe me, your roots our developing.

Our faith blooms through it all

The plant bloomed in spite of all the sufferings. It was like this little rose plant had full trust in God. It had a hope to live by His word. This tiny plant gave me an amazing experience of life. So, whenever I feel lost or down, I think of my rose plant and how strong I should keep the faith. Not once, not twice, not trice but be patient. The Lord is working in the ways you cannot see.

Many times we lose hope, we feel it’s over, we feel nothing can be done. Don’t give up. Instead, give it to Him. Give all your doubts, worries, anxiety to Him. He makes you bloom again. Don’t give up your Faith. Because faith is tested in suffering and endurance is the key to blessing.

Keep the faith no matter how many times you fail. There is always hope until you have faith.

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  1. Very motivating , and learnt to keep my faith strong , bcoz the roots r developing , always keep the faith on God strong no matter what the situation is , God can definitely make a way Amen

    1. Author

      Thanks a lot. Yes God will make a way.

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