Text image showing bible verses about love

Bible verses tell us about love in the most beautiful way. Love is the purest feeling a person can have for others. These verses are for us to think and meditate and know where we go wrong in our love life.

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Man Standing on Rock to show Anxiety

In our day to day life, we get stumbled by many roadblocks that make us anxious. The Holy Bible tells us how we can overcome anxiety. I have compiled the top 8 bible verses that will help you in your anxiety.

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Did I Meet Jesus text to indicate Jesus Loves me

We all know that Jesus Loves us. But do we believe that God can meet us? You must have heard the common saying; we meet God daily in the people we meet. It can be our family, can be our friends, or can be strangers. But yes we do meet Him.

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Bible Image Verse Icon

Bible Verse Images are the best aid to remember and memorize the Word of God. The images help us meditate and ponder on the Verse. Therefore, we at Let’s Pray Together circulate Bible Verse Images daily for our viewers over WhatsApp.

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Daily Bible Verse icon

The Word of God is alive and active. There are many benefits of reading the Bible daily. But due to a busy schedule, we can’t make it. Let’s Pray Together’s Daily WhatsApp Bible messages help to read the Word of God anywhere and anytime.

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How to forgive icon of forgivenss

‘Forgive us as we forgive’ is recited by me daily; Here I said recite because I never meant what the words actually mean. And to my wonder, one day, I got the Holy Spirit to teach me how to pray the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ and not just Recite.

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Girl looking at sky and smiling

Yes if I could see you in everything, the World would be a different destination for me. Jesus, please help me to see you in everything I do and everyone I Meet. This blog post is my eagerness to see Jesus in everything and everywhere.

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Childs hand in Father hand with trust

Trust in Christ wasn’t inbuilt in me. But with the days of complete dependence on Him, I learned to Trust Him. He has never failed me. He helped me in the form of a family with whom I stayed. He was with me in whatever I did.

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I dont want to Marry icon of bride and groom

What is marriage? This question bothered me a lot. I was ready for marriage but was so worried that I didn’t want to Marry. My Marriage desire was with a lot of confusions. And in the search for answers, I entered a new journey.

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