The Beginning of Friendship with a Known Stranger

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Faith Journey:
The Beginning of Friendship with a Known Stranger

The journey is the most beautiful adventure in human life. We journey to different destinations, different stages of life, etc. It creates unforgettable memories for the future. When we look back at our life, the memories keep us motivated. Today, I am going to start sharing about one such beautiful journey in my Life. My faith Journey-the journey that started with the desire of something imaginary and blessed me in abundance in the real world. The faithful journey that strengthened my faith. This is the journey of my relationship with Jesus.

Road indicating faith Journey

My Relationship With Jesus

Till today, I have shared a lot of articles on my relationship with Jesus. I have shared the incidents in my life which show God’s love for me. Articles about my confusions, obstacles, Major decisions in life and many more. But this is going to be a special one. Finally, it’s about how we met. Is it sounding filmy like two strangers meet and they become friends? But it’s not about strangers. He knew me even before I was conceived in the mother’s womb. He knew every tiny detail about me whereas I knew him very little. Till today He never left me alone, every destination that I have been, every problem that I have faced, Jesus was with me. Every happiness of mine is His blessing. And all this has added to our relationship. A relationship of Love and trust. An endless experience of God’s Love. 

The Routined Prayer Life

Being a born Catholic, I knew the Catholic prayers, I always attended the Holy Mass. But still I could say, I lacked the simple faith and trust. I lacked what is actually meant by personal prayer. You can say, I knew Jesus as God and not as a loving Friend and father. I didn’t share any relationship with Jesus. He was just God for me whom we can only pray. The actual story started when I was in primary school.

Childhood Days

Just like all the kids of that era, I too liked watching TV Serials. From those of my favorite were Son Pari and Shaka Laka Boom Boom. Sonpari is an Indian fantasy-adventure television series for children. The lead character named Fruity had Son Pari as a friend. Shaka Laka Boom, on the other hand, was a magical drama about Sanju and his magical pencil. I enjoyed watching these two shows a lot. The lead roles always helped those needy and they always had magical aid for their assistance.  You might think, why, am I talking about TV serials in my relationship with Jesus? But everything started here. As we say there is a purpose for everything that happens in our life.

The Desire for Imaginary

I was so fascinated about these series that I always wanted a magical aid for me. I started developing a strong desire for magical aid- either a fairy friend or a magic pencil. My desire was something common like every child would want to have. There was nothing unique but it was not feasible. Since childhood, I had heard of only one solution for such desires. Yes, you are right. A door of prayers. I couldn’t share this desire with anyone. Had no idea how would parents react for this, but I started to pray for it daily. Somehow, I had a strong belief that I could ask Jesus anything that I Not sure whether it was strong faith or just a belief.

The Beginning of Prayer Life

Having no idea whether it is right or wrong to pray for magical aids, I continued my prayers. Though I had no idea what is prayer and what it means to talk to God, I used to repeat the daily prayers. Make intentions during Holy mass or other prayers that I participated in. And we all know, prayers are not always to satisfy our desire, but instead, they make us strong to accept the things. But this is what I came to know recently. In my childhood days, for me, prayer was only to satisfy my desires. I had a strong belief that My prayers will be answered. A belief that My desire will be satisfied.

Effect of Prayers

There were changes in the little me. I started praying more time. The Sunday catholic started becoming a daily Catholic. Yes, I was praying whenever I was alone. Why wouldn’t I pray? I had a strong purpose in my heart, a strong desire to be satisfied. My dream world desires. This faith journey is about my testimony of the experience of God. This was the beginning of my prayer life. The prayer life that started with the desire of the imaginary world. But you know, God answers all our prayers. He answered mine too.

The Beginning of Friendship

Do you feel curious to know whether I really got fairy friend or a magical pencil? Did God send an angel to be my friend? These questions are answered as the journey proceeds. Many more unique and different adventures are explained as the journey continues. The people who have known me for so many years definitely know that my life was different after this. So, wait for part two of this journey. Wait for the answers on faith and belief. Meanwhile, you can share incidents in your life, your childish desires. Your acquaintances with God. Write to us and we will be happy to share your posts on our blog. Do check our social profiles and stay connected to us on FacebookPinterestInstagramTwitter

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