Forgive us, as We Forgive…

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How to Forgive?

Forgive us our Sin’s, as we Forgive those who sin against us

How to forgive icon of forgivenss

‘Forgive us as we forgive’ is recited by me daily; Here I said recite because I never meant what the words actually mean. This beautiful prayer was gifted to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Every time we say the “Our Father” it reminds us that we should forgive others. And to my wonder, I got the Holy Spirit to teach me how to pray the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ and not just Recite. This note is just my attempt to express the beautiful thing I experienced.

Accepting Forgiveness received in Confession

Praying and seeking forgiveness in confession cleansed me out of all my sins, but the important grace of accepting that forgiveness and getting away from the guilt was lacking. Then I realized that the key for complete forgiveness was in my hands….“Forgive us as we Forgive others”. The Sacrament of Reconciliation became a beautiful reward for me to accept His Forgiveness.

Does God Keep a record of our wrongs?

God never kept records of my wrongs but He taught me a new way to forgive others. I won’t say we will become perfect by following this method but still, we should strive to be perfect as our Heavenly father is.
Once while I was walking on the road a person commented on me. I was so angry and with many weird feelings in my mind. How can someone dare to comment on me? I hate that person, will show him a lesson. I was just about to pour out my hatred and anger but I remembered the prayer “Forgive us as we Forgive others”

Whom Can I share my confusion with?

The confusion troubled me and led to my communication with Jesus… He has already helped me in my confusions in marriage and blessed me abundantly in my marriage journey.
“Now tell me how can I forgive this stranger?”
“What does it actually mean to forgive in simple ways?”
“I will anyway forget this person with time, why do I need to forgive?”

The ‘Hail Mary’ to my aid

The Holy Spirit guided me to pray a Decade for the person; I am not that generous to pray a decade for someone, so I recited one ‘Hail Mary’. Even for the simple prayer, Mumma Mary and Jesus gifted me Peace. I was so much calm as if nothing had happened. I remembered the verse in Philippians which says the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding.

How to Know if I have Forgiven someone?

God made me know the simple measure of identification of forgiveness. We have forgiven someone only if we can pray for their wellbeing without any doubt. And indeed in this dwells my forgiveness too…“Forgive us as we Forgive others” For the first time ever I realized through His Grace that praying for enemies was actually praying for me. When I prayed for someone whom I dislike, I got double blessings. And so I am not lucky but always Blessed.
Initially to pray for someone who hurts was difficult, but eventually, it became a habit. And now I eagerly wait for someone to hurt me so I can pray (and I get double blessings from God). I don’t want to complicate but just expect us to keep our faith and relation with Jesus simple. He is waiting to teach us simpler ways to Love and Follow Him. So can we follow Him in Little things?
I hope after reading this we will come with our little ways to really mean what we say in ‘The Lord’s Prayer.
So let’s together strive to Pray and not just Recite.
And yes! Forgive Others…so we are forgiven.

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