But I Don’t Want to Marry

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What is Marriage?

What is marriage? This question bothered me a lot. This post contains answers obtained and also states my confusions. And in the search for an answer, I entered a new journey. My journey towards my life partner

I am ready for Marriage But I just don’t want to Marry

I dont want to Marry icon of bride and groom

I am ready for marriage
But I just don’t want to marry anyone
The Lord gave the desire for marriage, so indeed He has created us for each other
I am waiting for you and would surely marry only you

People come up with proposals of Kings thinking I am a princess
But I am just a simple girl like Mary waiting for her Joseph
The palace would be just a house but only you could make it a home
And so I am ready but I don’t want to marry

I do agree when people say, Marriage is a union of two
But I also know it’s a sacrament of Love that is leading towards Our Father
And so I just don’t want to marry but enter a covenant of Love with you to glorify the Lord in all that we do

Many tell this is impossible. We get commitments of family, children, job …
I do agree, But how can we cherish only the gifts without thanking and remembering the provider of all good gifts
And so I just don’t want to marry but want to Love and Serve the Lord along with you

God gifted us the covenant of Marriage because Two are better than One
If one falls another lifts him up
Marriage is not a destiny to rest but indeed a Journey together towards His kingdom
And so I just don’t want to marry but want to journey with you towards eternity

Marriage is not only about us but it’s also a union of our families
Because wherever you go, I will go. Wherever you live, I will live. Your people shall be my people…
And so I just don’t want to marry but indeed join your family

Marriage is not only fantasy but a lovely responsibility
To grow our children in faith and Love of God To care for our elders with gratitude
And so I just don’t want to marry but provide a little support in your responsibilities

Our Prayers have bonded us together with chords that cannot be broken
And now it’s only a little journey of prayers and trust towards each other
And so I just don’t want to marry but take the commitment that will sustain our love forever.

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